Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The end of the Chapter~~

it's so empty. it's so silent. listen. i have done my studies in my university life. so do my friends. we all will be grade later. we will enter to new life which called a working life, being workaholic. we will gain money, make money and so on. we will find job, doing job, overtime and so on. we can buy things we like, we we drive cars, we rent a house, we going work. its all the bright side that i even couldn't wait to start it. in the sad part, dis is the end of student life. being totally enjoy and learn when have exam only. haha.. we will separated each other, will separate again. some in pahang, some in negeri sembilan, some in terengganu, some in johor, some in kedah, and some some lah. i'm gonna miss my friends..miss the laugh and sad we shared together. miss the memories we create together. oh, my beautiful friends, i wish we will never lose this friendship. coz i do miss u so..

Thursday, January 1, 2009

bercuti kat Cameron ngn family>>wee~~

kat air terjun Lata Iskandar

me at Ladang Teh

singgah jap kat Flowers Garden

benti minum kat Strawberi n Jem

cek pah berbeg straberi tu adalah kesygn aku.. we~~

Humm..bebaru ni, sempena cuti krismas n campur nuyer, ktorg satu famili telah pun pergi becuti kt Cameron Highlands..its been 15years since the last time aku g situ umo 7thn..ktorg pegi dua kete, my dad n my bro-in-law car melalui highway tapah. mase memule masuk tapah (nak naik cameron lalu situ) aku stat pening. jalan bengkang-bengkok n sempit.ces.. tak macam genting jln luas n besa.bole drift lagi.kekeke. Jalan kat sini sempit n jem jugek la mase nk naik tu.memule, aku wonder nape la bole jem utk nek ke cameron.pkir2 bukan ade pape pon,stakat tgk ladang teh ngn straberi je yg aku igt. aku da pikir ni last la aku nek cameron sebab mmg pening. haha..perjalanan nek ats ambik mase sejam cmpur jln yg lembap smpai ayah aku kate, dekat tapi jauh. haha. smpai kat ats da pukul 3 ptg sebab gerak dr umh kul 12kurang lebey. mase smpai tu baru la aku nmpak yg cameron ni orait jugek la. yg penting xde la aku nmpak sepet kiri kanan cm kt genting tu.huh. ktorg terus g ke apartment yg abah da sewe, name Puncak Arabella. bukan puncak Perdana ye. Masuk ke dalam, umah ni quite besa, selesa, ade living room, 3 bilik tido, 2 toilet, dapur siap bole masak, peti ais, n plg penting ade astro.haha.smpai je umah, ktorg rehat2 smbil mkn bkalan yg ktorg da bwk dr umh. ma n abah masak mmg besh....huhu.ade ayam goreng, lala msk pedas, udang goreng tepung, smbal tumis, agar2 n air sirap. hu..nyamnyamnyam.. pastu da kul 5.ktorg g pasar minggu kt cameron ni. kat sini sempat la jugek soping. lina merangkap akak aku beli baju sejuk n snow cap utk zaid, n hair band, hair clip n beg kecik utk ipah. aku beli payung straberi yg nmpak cam glamer jek kt situ.seme org pon pkai payung tu plus tgh ujan kecik2. uish. lupe lak aku nk citer pasal suhu kat situ.sojukkk..average 20-25 degree.sejuk kan.brani ckp lagi sejuk dr genting..k la, utk tempat len bia pic je describe ek...we..~~~

Thursday, November 13, 2008

i likeeee.... dis song ;)

Bunkface - Situasi

Diskriminasi menjatuhkan aku
Reputasi kini menjadi bisu
dan aku , ku layu

Mengharapkan sesuatu yang baru
itulah impian aku

Dan bila kau menghilang
Musnah la, musnah impian
tuk menggapai bintang
terangi hidup ku
Ku mahu kau tahu
engkaulah, destinasiku
dalam ingatanku .. oh oh oh...

Kerana diri ini tak daya lagi
menempuh hidup yang ku temui
dan aku , ku tunggu .. oh oh oh

Mengharapkan sesuatu yang baru
itulah impian aku

currently i like dis song, da way of da music arrangement wasso sound to me.
n da lyrics is good but not affecting me 4 dis time.. hehe
da vokal of singer also besh..n dis song me me feel like i want to karoke on top of mountain..haha..dunno why i feel so..

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

1.34am in da morning

i've just finish studying imr554..euh..my brain compact n tight..another 1 day to go but i feel like blinking of letters surrounding my eye sight.gahaha..(urm..) i haven't eat anything yet from 3pm until just now.act, i try 2 save budget.my 30bucks was flew at P.O coz i need to renew my L licence..sengal..haha..but dat's not wat i am thinking rite now.. there's sumthing else. it about money.yes, money a.k.a penny a.k.a dollars a.k.a bukcs a.k.a $..huhu..i need much money to use rite now,there're a lot that i need to pay n to have.suddenly in dat situation, i just received a call from my fren just now n of coz about money crazy.haha.he's offering me a partime job which i could afford around 2kilo per month if struggle.is it true, u? at da early conversation, i just dengaq tak dengaq, coz humm..maybe lost interest as my stomach continuesly vibrato.kekeke..but as i heard 2kilo and da plan strategies, n how its going to work, at the same time persuade myself to listen even hungry, i found dat there sumthing dat i should try n give myself a try for this partime job.my brain start thinking and analyzing da chances dat i could find by doing dis bisnes.uhuh, but watte hell of this bisnes all about? hoho..i pun tak tau sepenuhnye g, but i will get da details next week n tgkla, lau jalan ke tak.gahaha..um.. dat is an issue.bla..bla..bla..another issue, i'll have da sem break starting dis weekend until end of december..but me still dun have a specific plan to do, but of coz to work..but where at? Genting? Pd? or just join my fren bisnes? i just dunno..if only i am rich, hehee..n my sis also said dat they will go 2 langkawi early of december..wa..nak ikot..mane satu neh.. make money or lost money? hohoho..suddenly my words jem..uhuh..sengal...pape pon..money isnt anything but anything need money..am i rite crowds? hoho, cm crowds sgt..;p..
k la 4 now n da...~

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

how to get over

1. Forget their names
2. Forget their faces
3. Forget the love that you once knew
4. Remember they have someone new
5. Remember all the harsh things they say when you broke up
6. Forget them when they played your song
7. Remember that you cried all night long
8. Forget how you memorize their walks
9. Forget the way they used to talk
10. Forget the things they used to say
11. Forget their laughs and smiles
12. Delete all their messages
13. Delete all their emails
14. Delete their ym/msn/skype
15. Delete their phone numbers
16. Delete their fs/myspace
17. Just hang around and have fun with your frens
18. Concentrate in study/work
19. Avoid listening to other people's love story
20. Mingle with new people
21. Just think about there's more people WAY better than them!
22. Throw away their gifts
23. Throw away the love notes/letters
24. Throw away their pictures
25. If they ever contacts you back, do not reply
26. Avoid them, if you're working/studying at the same place
27. Forget their birthdays/your anniversaries
28. Change your emails/phone numbers/address(if possible)
29. Go on a vacation

Why Ladies Today Are Still Single

-the nice men are ugly

-the handsome men are not nice

-the handsome and nice men are gay

-the handsome,nice and heterosexual men are married

-the men who are not so handsome, but are nice men, have no money

-the men who are not so handsome, but are nice men with money think we are only after their money

-the handsome men without money are after our money

-the handsome men, who are not so nice and somewhat heterosexual, don't think we are beautiful enough

-the men who think we are beautiful, that are heterosexual, somewhat nice and have money are cowards

the men who are somewhat handsome, somewhat nice, and have money and thank God are heterosexual,are shy and NEVER MAKE THE FIRST MOVE!

-the men who never make the first move, automatically lost interest in us when we take the initiative

haha..dis is just an article dat i found..some are correct some incorrect kot..huhu

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

open house

Baru2 ni puan aliza (kp is222) wat open house kt umah die kt klang..ktorg g amai2 nek kete bdk2 ni.rase agak besh jugak la dapat beraye ni..sbb ktorg nek cuti raye ritu awl..pastu da xmerase beraye, pastu ni baru dpt blek mkn2 kuih raye la, n those makanan raye.huhu..aku n mizah g ngn tumpang kete ein, n ade nizam skali..ira x pat ikot ats sbb2 yg xdpt di elakkan..smpai sane da kul 5 sbb sangkut jem kt klang.tp ms g tu rase hepi jgk sbb skng ni ktorg ngah byk keje, esaimen nk setel, then bile g ni dpt la release sket stress tu..huhu.n yg cedeynye, ni last ktorg braye sbg student..insyaallah..pasni mesti da xdpt jumpe cmni..gather2 cmni..hopefully thn dpn punye raye dpt la slh sorg klasmet wat open house n bole aku join..huhu.xpon bia aku je la wat..dak2 klas A leh la dtg ek..n batch aku pon..kpd kengkawan seme..i mish dis memories..